Use the Pythagorean indentities rather than reference triangles. Find tan θ and cot θ if sec θ=8/7 and sin θ <0

sec θ = 1/cos θ = 8/7

sin is negative and cos is positive so in quadrant IV, lower right below +x axis

Identity 3 ---> sec^2 = 1 + tan^2
64/49 = 1 + tan^2
tan^2 = 64/49 - 49/49 = 15/49
so knowing it is negative
tan θ = -(1/7)sqrt 15

now use identity 2
1 + cot^2 = csc^2
to get cot
no fair saying cot = 1 / tan :)

1/csc^2 + 1/sec^2 = 1

sec^2 + csc^2 = csc^2 sec^2
64/49 + csc^2 = csc^2 (64/49)
(64 -49)/49 csc^2 = 64/49
15 csc^2 = 64
csc^2 = 64/15

cot^2 = csc^2 - 1 = (64-15)/15
= 49/15
cot = -7/sqrt15 negative because in quad IV= - (7/15)sqrt 15
but we knew that :)

sec(A) = 8/7 = 1/Cos(A).

1/Cos(A) = 8/7,
Cos(A) = 7/8 = X/r,
X = 7, Y = ?, r = 8.

x^2 + y^2 = r^2.
7^2 + y^2 = 8^2,
y^2 = 8^2-7^2 = 15,
Y = sqrt(15).
sin(A)<0(neg.), Then Y = -sqrt(15).

Tan(A) = Y/X = -(sqrt(15)/7)-.

Cot(A) = 1/Tan(A) = 7/-sqrt(15),
Multiply numerator and denominator by sqrt(15):
Cot(A) =-(7*sqrt(15)/15).


To find tan θ and cot θ using the Pythagorean identities, we need to begin by finding the value of sin θ.

Given that sec θ = 8/7, we can use the formula: sec θ = 1/cos θ.

So, 1/cos θ = 8/7.

To solve for cos θ, we can cross-multiply:

7 = 8cos θ.

Divide both sides by 8:

cos θ = 7/8.

Now, we can use the Pythagorean identity to find sin θ:

sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ = 1.

Substituting the value of cos θ:

sin^2 θ + (7/8)^2 = 1.

sin^2 θ + 49/64 = 1.

To isolate sin^2 θ, we subtract 49/64 from both sides:

sin^2 θ = 1 - 49/64.

sin^2 θ = (64/64) - (49/64).

sin^2 θ = 15/64.

Since sin θ < 0, we take the negative square root:

sin θ = -√(15/64).

Now, we can find tan θ using the identity: tan θ = sin θ/cos θ.

tan θ = (-√15/8) / (7/8).

Dividing both numerator and denominator by 1/8:

tan θ = -√15 / 7.

Lastly, we can find cot θ using the identity: cot θ = 1/tan θ.

cot θ = 1 / (-√15 / 7).

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal:

cot θ = 7 / (-√15).

Therefore, tan θ = -√15 / 7 and cot θ = -7 / √15.