it is common for a Baroque piece of music to?

A: Slow down and speed up
B: remain constant in tempo ****
C: limit the amount of chords used
D: be performed mainly on brass instruments.
I chose B as my answer could someone please tell me if I am even close to the correct answer.


c for connexus

Thanks anonymous I got 100%

no never it is =a=

Can I have some assistance on the rest of the questions

173 people saw this and 0 people helped. Tfn guys you helped us so much!!!!

Let me help y’all rq: 1 slow down for a baroque 2: it tends to be focused on a single emotional state 3: bass 4: lost styles of Greek drama 🎭 hope this helps ♥️

thanks anonymous i got a 0% i got 0/4

anonymous is right for connexus!!! tysm don't listen to @ (blank)

oh I got 3/4

Okay the first question is slow up speed down so go with what anonymous and pepa said they are really the same thing except number one is : slow up speed down ( I did it like an hour ago so yeah) but 100% its slow up speed down for the first one!