1:If the measure of <YZX is 25*, what is the measure of <XYZ?

2:The intersection of roads S and T creates a 44.4* angle. What are the complementary and supplementary angles of this intersection?

3:Which equation can be used to find the measure of an angle that is supplementary to <EGB?

4:Point S is the midpoint of RT. Which of the following completes the statement?

5:MN bisects PQ at point R. Which of the following is true about point R? Draw a picture to help you answer the question.

Please help This is a Test!!

you guys realize that everyone has different questions and answers on the test... right?

How about you write down the question and the answer so no one will get mixed up with the letters.

Do not listen to Rachel!!

I got 9/19

These are the right answers


2. c

3. d



6. c

7. C

8. B


10. D

11. D

12. C

13. C

14. A

15. C

16. B

17. A

18. A

19. D

“[20 21 22 23 no you’re self] “!

Who is right?

what is the right answers

Is this right?

who right im confused?

And please respond soon!

Lets get one thing straight, Rachel is wrong, justheretohelp is wrong, imnotlying is wrong and so is me or you. Just do the test yourself.