What is the climate zone of Minneapolis, Minnesota? (1 point)

moist mid-latitude with severe winters
moist mid-latitude with mild winters
humid subtropical

moist mid-latitude with severe winters

The climate zone of Minneapolis, Minnesota is "moist mid-latitude with severe winters."

To determine the climate zone of Minneapolis, Minnesota, we can refer to the Köppen climate classification system. This system categorizes climate based on average monthly temperatures and precipitation patterns. To find this information, we can search for the climate data of Minneapolis.

Here are the steps to find the climate zone of Minneapolis, Minnesota:

1. Open a web browser and search for "climate data Minneapolis, Minnesota" or "Minneapolis climate zone". This search will provide you with various sources that provide weather and climate data.

2. Look for a reliable source, such as the National Weather Service (NWS), local meteorological organizations, or reputable climate data websites.

3. Once you find a reliable source, navigate to the climate section or search for specific climate information about Minneapolis.

4. Look for the average monthly temperature and precipitation data. The Köppen climate classification system uses these measurements to categorize climates.

5. Compare the temperature and precipitation data to the Köppen climate classification system. The system has specific criteria to determine which climate zone an area falls into.

Based on the available information, we can say that the climate zone of Minneapolis, Minnesota is "moist mid-latitude with severe winters." This climate zone is often referred to as a continental climate, characterized by warm to hot summers and cold winters with significant snowfall.

Please note that the above information is based on general knowledge, and it is always recommended to consult actual climate data from reliable sources for accurate and up-to-date information.

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