If a 6-foot man has a shadow of 9 feet, how long a shadow would a 20-foot pole have?

9 shadow/ 6 object * 20 object

= (180/6) shadow

= 30 shadow

Looking at the question as a proportion would give shadow/object = shadow/obj then put in your numbers...

9feet/6feet = shadow/20
then multiply both sides by 20 to obtain what Damon said : )

To find out how long the shadow of a 20-foot pole would be, we can use proportional reasoning.

First, we need to establish a ratio between the height and shadow length for the 6-foot man. We can set up the following proportion:

6 feet (height of the man) : 9 feet (length of the shadow) = 20 feet (height of the pole) : x (length of the shadow of the pole)

To solve for x (the length of the shadow of the pole), we can use cross-multiplication.

6 * x = 9 * 20

Now, let's solve for x:

6x = 180

Dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 30

Therefore, the length of the shadow of a 20-foot pole would be 30 feet.