Truck driver drives 980 miles in 34 hours. What’s his average mile per hour and how do I figure it out?

To calculate the average speed or miles per hour (mph) of the truck driver, divide the total distance covered (980 miles) by the total time taken (34 hours).

The formula to calculate average speed is:

Average Speed = Total Distance ÷ Total Time

In this case, the truck driver covered 980 miles in 34 hours. Therefore:

Average Speed = 980 miles ÷ 34 hours

Now, let's solve it:

Average Speed = 28.824 mph (rounded to three decimal places)

So, the truck driver's average speed is approximately 28.824 miles per hour.

To calculate it, divide the total distance by the total time taken.

do you know what a proportion is?

If you do set one up 980/34 and than a/1 now think how did I get to 1 I divided by 34, so to get mph you have to divide 980 by 34.