A hawk needs 2 snakes a week to survive. A snake needs 2 mice a week to survive. A mouse needs 50 berries a week to survive. How many berries are needed a week to support a hawk?

2 snakes

4 mice
200 berries

How did you get it

hawk needs 2 snakes

A snake needs 2 mice 2 * 2 = 4
A mouse needs 50 berries 4 * 50 = 200

Okay. Thank you so much Ms. Sue.

You are very welcome.

science way:

2 snakes/hawk * 2 mice/snake * 50 berries/mouse

snakes cancels
mice cancels

2*2*50 = 200 berries/hawk

Thanks, Damon.

That shows what happens when I answer math questions when my last math class was in 1950 when I was a high school junior.