The height of a plant is dependent upon?

1)it's genes
2)it's environment
3)both it's genes and it's environment
4)neither it's genes nor it's environment

I think #1

In humans, the allele for curly hair and the allele for straight hair show incomplete dominance. The offspring of a curly-haired person and a straight haired
person will have ?
1) curly hair
2)straight hair
3)wavy hair
4)curly hair and straight hair

I think #3

Thanks for your help.

1) A

2) C
3) A
4) D
5) A
6) A
7) D
8) C
9) C
10) C

pls trust me i want to help i got a 100% on my lesson

All the answers are correct except 1. Number 1 is: the ability of some gorillas to use sign language

2nd looks good

1st ... what if you had tall parents but were malnourished?

For the first question, the height of a plant is dependent on both its genes and its environment. The genes of a plant play a significant role in determining its potential growth, but the environment in which the plant grows, including factors like light, temperature, water availability, and soil nutrients, also influences its height. So, the correct answer is option 3) both its genes and its environment.

Now, for the second question about human hair type inheritance. In the scenario you provided, where there is incomplete dominance between the allele for curly hair and the allele for straight hair, the offspring of a curly-haired person and a straight-haired person will have wavy hair. In incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant over the other, resulting in a blending of traits in the offspring. So, the correct answer is option 3) wavy hair.

I hope that clarifies your questions! Let me know if there's anything else I can explain.