Jackie was asked to present to the members of the Outdoors Club about the impact that Theodore Roosevelt had on U.S. National Parks. While doing research on her topic, she found a few sources to help her to get started on her presentation.

Which source is most credible for her to use?
An interview with a visitor at Mount Rushmore is most credible because the park has a sculpture of Theodore Roosevelt.
A story that includes made up characters traveling through the U.S. National Parks is most credible.
An online blog post about Theodore Roosevelt is most credible because it includes stories about his life.
An informational book about how Theodore Roosevelt established five National Parks as President is most credible.

And you think ... ??

D maybe

Of course, D. The others might be accurate, but it's hard to tell because they could also have opinion in there. Only D is something that has been published, which also means someone has done some fact-checking before publication.

The most credible source for Jackie to use would be option D, an informational book about how Theodore Roosevelt established five National Parks as President.

To determine the credibility of a source, it is important to consider factors such as the author's expertise, the source's reliability, and the evidence provided. In this case, an informational book specifically focused on Theodore Roosevelt's role in establishing national parks would likely be more credible than the other options.

An interview with a visitor at Mount Rushmore, option A, might provide some firsthand perspective but may not have the same level of in-depth information or expertise. A story with made-up characters, option B, is not a reliable source as it is a work of fiction. An online blog post, option C, may contain stories about Theodore Roosevelt's life but may lack the credibility and accuracy of a well-researched and authoritative book.

Therefore, the informational book about how Theodore Roosevelt established five National Parks as President, option D, is the most credible source for Jackie to use for her presentation.