Please help me with this problem because i do not understand and also, there is a diagram too but, i cannot copy and paste here.

so, here is the problem

A simple roof truss design is shown below. The lower section, VWXY,is made from three equal length segments. UW and XZ are perpendicular to VT and TY, respectively. If VWXY is 2.0 X 10 to the first meter and the height of the truss is 2.5m, determine the lenths of XT and XZ.

This problem can not be answered without the diagram. Sorry.

To solve this problem, we need to use some principles of geometry and trigonometry. Unfortunately, since you mentioned there is a diagram, I won't be able to see it. However, I can guide you through the steps to find the lengths of XT and XZ.

To begin, let's label the lengths:

VW = XY = 2.0 × 10^1 meters (given)
VT = VY = ?
UW = XY = 2.0 × 10^1 meters (given)
TY = ?
XT = ?
XZ = ?

From the given information, we can determine the lengths VT, TY, XT, and XZ by using the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometric ratios.

Step 1: Find VT using the Pythagorean theorem:
Given that VWXY is a trapezoid, and VW = XY = 20 meters, we can consider the following right-angled triangles:
- VT: Consider the right-angled triangle VTX, where the hypotenuse is VT, the vertical side is XT, and the base is VT. We can apply the Pythagorean theorem to this triangle:
VT^2 = VW^2 - XT^2
VT = √(VW^2 - XT^2)

Step 2: Find TY using the Pythagorean theorem:
- TY: Consider the right-angled triangle TXY, where the hypotenuse is TY, the vertical side is XT, and the base is TY. We can apply the Pythagorean theorem to this triangle:
TY^2 = XY^2 - XZ^2
TY = √(XY^2 - XZ^2)

Now, we need to find the lengths XT and XZ.

Step 3: Find XT using trigonometric ratios:
- In triangle VTX, we know the side VT and the angle VTX. We can use the trigonometric ratio involving tangent:
tan(VTX) = XT/VT
Solve this equation for XT:
XT = tan(VTX) × VT

Step 4: Find XZ using trigonometric ratios:
- In triangle TXY, we know the side TY and the angle TXY. Again, we can use the trigonometric ratio involving tangent:
tan(TXY) = XZ/TY
Solve this equation for XZ:
XZ = tan(TXY) × TY

By following these steps and using the given lengths, you should be able to find the values of VT, TY, XT, and XZ.