The Weimar Republic’s inability to deal with economic issues caused by __________ led to the rise of extremist groups like the Nazis. Which best completes the sentence?

a.hyperinflation and the Great Depression
b.unemployment during World War I
c.a drop in the value of gold
d.the adoption of socialist policies

Yes, A.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the historical context of the Weimar Republic and its economic challenges. The Weimar Republic was established in Germany after World War I and faced numerous economic issues during its existence.

One of the most significant economic challenges was hyperinflation, which means an extremely rapid increase in prices, making money almost worthless. Hyperinflation occurred in Germany in the early 1920s due to the excessive printing of money to cover war reparations and other expenses. This economic crisis severely affected the livelihoods of the German people, leading to social unrest and widespread dissatisfaction.

Additionally, the Weimar Republic also faced the consequences of the Great Depression, a severe worldwide economic downturn that began in the late 1920s. The Great Depression had a profound impact on Germany's economy, resulting in a massive increase in unemployment, industrial decline, and widespread poverty.

Based on this information, the correct answer to the question is option 'a', hyperinflation, and the Great Depression. These economic issues, along with others, weakened the Weimar Republic and created an environment conducive to the rise of extremist groups like the Nazis, who promised stability, national pride, and economic recovery.