I need help with finding articles dealing turbulent times for children.

How do you define turbulent times? What are some characteristic behaviors?

characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm.

They are things that happen unxpected in child life



To find articles dealing with turbulent times for children, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a general search on an academic database or search engine: Begin by searching for keywords related to your topic. You could try using terms like "turbulent times," "children," and "articles." For example, you can search on Google Scholar, JSTOR, or PubMed.

2. Refine your search: After getting initial results, you can refine your search by adding relevant terms or narrowing down the focus. For instance, you might include more specific keywords, such as "emotional resilience in children during turbulent times" or "mental health support for children in crisis situations."

3. Assess the sources: When you find articles that seem relevant, it's essential to assess their credibility and academic rigor. Look for articles published in reputable journals, written by experts in the field, and those that have been peer-reviewed. This will ensure the quality and reliability of the information.

4. Utilize filters and advanced search options: Many academic databases offer filters and advanced search options, allowing you to refine your search further. You may use filters like publication date, study methodology, or language to narrow down the results to the most recent and relevant articles.

5. Browse relevant journals and specific research institutes: Consider looking into journals that specialize in child psychology, child development, or social work. Check if they have published any articles related to turbulent times for children. Additionally, explore research institutes or organizations that focus on child welfare and see if they have any publications or resources available.

6. Access full text: Once you find articles of interest, determine if they are freely available or require access through a subscription or institutional login. In case you do not have access to the full text and you need it, you can try contacting the authors directly or accessing the articles through the nearest library.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a range of articles dealing with turbulent times for children that will provide you with valuable insights and information.