Lia, Phil, and Cam collect a total of $200.30 for a holiday fundraiser. Phil collects $12.80 more than Lia. Cam collects 3 times as much as Lia. How much does each person collect?

P = L + 12.80

C = 3 L

L + 3 L + L + 12.80 = 200.30

5 L = 200.30 - 12.80


I'm in 5th grade, and this problem came up...
We haven't even learned basic algebra

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's represent the amount that Lia collects as "x".

Since Phil collects $12.80 more than Lia, we can represent the amount Phil collects as "x + $12.80".

And since Cam collects 3 times as much as Lia, we can represent the amount Cam collects as "3x".

We know that the total amount collected is $200.30, so the equation becomes:
x + (x + $12.80) + 3x = $200.30

Now, let's combine like terms:
5x + $12.80 = $200.30

Next, we'll isolate the variable by subtracting $12.80 from both sides:
5x = $200.30 - $12.80
5x = $187.50

To find the value of x, we divide both sides by 5:
x = $187.50 / 5
x = $37.50

So, Lia collects $37.50.

Phil collects $12.80 more than Lia, so Phil collects:
$37.50 + $12.80 = $50.30

Cam collects 3 times as much as Lia, so Cam collects:
3 * $37.50 = $112.50

Therefore, Lia collects $37.50, Phil collects $50.30, and Cam collects $112.50.

you guys make no sense