Rounding 342112 to the nearest 1000

Try the two possibilities just as Steve showed you.

To round 342112 to the nearest 1000, you need to examine the hundreds place digit.

Since the hundreds place digit is 2, which is less than 5, we don't need to round up.

Therefore, when rounding 342112 to the nearest 1000, the answer is 342000.

To round a number to the nearest 1000, you need to look at the last three digits of the number. In this case, the last three digits are 112.

If the last three digits are 500 or greater, you add 1000 to the original number. If they are less than 500, you keep the original number as it is.

In this case, the last three digits (112) are less than 500. Therefore, when rounding 342112 to the nearest 1000, you keep the original number as it is.

So, 342112 rounded to the nearest 1000 is still 342112.