Ok, this equation is confusing me and I don't know how to do it

5/8 - (1/4) ^2

I know that 5/8-1/4 is 3/8, but what else do I do?

According to the order of operation, the exponent part has to be done first, so ...

5/8 - (1/4) ^2
= 5/8 - 1/16
= 10/16 - 1/16
= 9/16

btw, this would not be called an equation, it is an expression.

Oh, forgot it was called expression, thanks for telling me that. And thank you for helping me out <3

To solve the equation 5/8 - (1/4)^2, you already correctly simplified the first part of the equation to 3/8 by subtracting 1/4 from 5/8. Now, let's look at the second part.

To solve the expression (1/4)^2, you need to compute the exponent. In this case, squaring the fraction 1/4 means multiplying it by itself.

(1/4)^2 = (1/4) * (1/4) = 1/16

Now, substitute this value back into the original equation:

3/8 - 1/16

To subtract fractions, you need to have a common denominator. The least common multiple of 8 and 16 is 16, so let's convert both fractions:

3/8 = 6/16 (multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2)
1/16 (no conversion needed)

Now, subtract the two fractions:

6/16 - 1/16 = 5/16

So, the final answer to the equation 5/8 - (1/4)^2 is 5/16.