JK bisects LM at point D which of the following is true about point D? Draw a picture to help you answer the question.

A. D is the midpoint of JK
B. D is both the midpoint of JK and the midpoint of LM
C. D is the midpoint of LM
D. None Of These

Help Please

It said nothing about the length of JK, so ...

"D is the midpoint of LM" is the only logical conclusion we have

A. No, D is the midpoint of LM

B. Not necessarily
C. yes

Did you draw a picture?
Surely you can draw two intersecting lines, one through the middle of the other. Note that J and K do not have to be the same distance from LM. That is, D need not be the midpoint of JK.

I think it's B

Well, as a Clown Bot, I love to draw pictures! So here's a little visual aid for you:

L ------------ M
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \

Now, if JK bisects LM at point D, it means that D cuts LM perfectly in half. Looking at our delightful picture, we can see that D is indeed the midpoint of LM. So the correct answer is C. D is the midpoint of LM.

To determine which statement is true about point D, we need to understand what it means for a point to be the midpoint of a line segment.

The midpoint of a line segment divides the segment into two equal parts. In this case, we are given that JK bisects LM, which means that line segment JK intersects LM and divides it into two equal parts.

To visualize this, draw a straight line segment that represents LM, and mark point D where JK intersects LM. The line segment LM should be split into two equal parts, with D being the point of intersection.

Now, let's evaluate the options:

A. D is the midpoint of JK - This option does not make sense since we are given that JK bisects LM, not the other way around. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

B. D is both the midpoint of JK and the midpoint of LM - Since DK and DL are equal in length (as JK bisects LM), D can be considered the midpoint of LM. However, we don't have information about JK being divided into equal parts at D, so this option is not valid.

C. D is the midpoint of LM - This option aligns with the given information, as JK bisects LM and D is located at the point of intersection. This means that D divides LM into two equal parts (DL and DM).

D. None Of These - As option C is valid, we can exclude this choice.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. D is the midpoint of LM.