in “concrete mixers “ what seems to be the speakers feelings about the concrete mixers ?

I'm only doing the ones i got correct


To determine the speaker's feelings about concrete mixers in the poem "Concrete Mixers," we need to analyze the text. Here's a step-by-step process on how to find the speaker's emotions:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem "Concrete Mixers" carefully. Pay attention to any descriptive language or figurative expressions used by the speaker.

2. Identify key words and phrases: Look for words or phrases that indicate the speaker's attitude or emotions towards concrete mixers. Note any positive or negative descriptions, comparisons, or associations utilized in the poem.

3. Consider context and tone: Analyze the overall context and tone of the poem. Is the speaker using humor, satire, admiration, or criticism? Understanding the intended mood can help determine the speaker's true feelings.

4. Examine poetic devices: Look for poetic devices like similes, metaphors, or personification that the speaker employs while discussing concrete mixers. Such devices often reveal underlying attitudes or emotions.

5. Analyze imagery: Pay attention to the sensory details and imagery used to describe concrete mixers. Are they portrayed as powerful, destructive, or essential? Imagery can provide insight into the speaker's emotional connection to the subject.

6. Interpret and infer: By examining all the previous components, start formulating an interpretation of the speaker's feelings towards concrete mixers. Consider multiple perspectives and possible meanings behind the poet's words.

Remember, poetry can be subjective, and different readers might perceive the speaker's emotions differently. It's essential to use evidence from the poem to support your interpretation.

the anser is b

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