Can someone check my answer?

The deepest parts of the ocean floor are called ____.

sea mounts
abyssal plains

My answer is abyssal plains. Am I correct?


Is it trenches?

Yes, your answer is correct. The deepest parts of the ocean floor are indeed called abyssal plains. To determine the correct answer, we can break down the question and examine the given options:

- Ridges are underwater mountain ranges, characterized by a series of peaks and valleys.
- Seamounts are underwater volcanic mountains that rise from the ocean floor, but they are not the deepest parts.
- Trenches are long, narrow depressions in the ocean floor that are formed by converging tectonic plates. They are indeed some of the deepest parts, but not the correct answer.
- Abyssal plains are flat and featureless regions of the ocean floor, which are located in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Therefore, out of the given options, abyssal plains is the correct answer.