Think outside the box but the box is the wrong shape. Let's get this cylinder poppin with some music. I have said her exact name 16 times indirectly. Tell me a girl's name that can come from that.

To find a girl's name that can be inferred from saying the name indirectly, we need to think creatively and have a variety of options. Here's a step-by-step process to help you brainstorm and come up with a name:

1. Write down the exact phrase you used or any relevant clues you mentioned indirectly.
2. Analyze the words and phrases to look for similarities or connections to girl's names.
3. Break down the words and phrases into smaller components and identify any potential name elements.
4. Use wordplay, phonetic matching, or associations to form names.
5. Cross-reference your brainstormed names with your list of indirect references to see if any match consistently.

Note that this process involves creative thinking, and the result may depend on your personal interpretation. Here's an example to illustrate the steps:

Phrase or Clue: "Think outside the box but the box is the wrong shape. Let's get this cylinder poppin with some music."

Step 1: Break down the words and phrases.
- "Think outside the box" - synonym for being creative or unconventional.
- "Cylinder" - a cylindrical shape.
- "Poppin" - slang term meaning exciting or happening.
- "Music" - a broad category that can be associated with different genres or artists.

Step 2: Look for connections to girl's names.
- "Think outside the box" can be interpreted as thinking creatively, so think of names related to creativity or imagination.
- "Cylinder" - consider names related to shapes, geometry, or anything cylindrical- a possible connection might be using a name that sounds similar to "cylinder".
- "Poppin" and "Music" - consider names associated with the excitement, energy, or the music industry.

Step 3: Combine the elements to form potential names.
- Based on the above steps, a possible name could be "Cyndi" (derived from the word "cylinder").
- Another option might be "Melody" (associated with music and excitement).

Step 4: Cross-reference with indirect references.
- You mentioned saying her exact name indirectly 16 times, so consider if "Cyndi" or "Melody" can be interpreted or derived from those indirect references.

While "Cyndi" or "Melody" are just examples generated by this process, you can adapt and modify the steps to generate more potential names using your specific indirect references.