What is the balance chemical equation for

Al(s)+ H2O(l)-->

To balance the chemical equation for the reaction between aluminum (Al) and water (H2O), follow these steps:

1. Write down the unbalanced equation: Al(s) + H2O(l) → ?
2. Count the number of atoms for each element on both sides of the equation.

On the left side (reactants):
- Aluminum (Al): 1 Al atom
- Hydrogen (H): No hydrogen atoms present
- Oxygen (O): 1 O atom from H2O

On the right side (products):
- Aluminum (Al): 1 Al atom
- Hydrogen (H): 2 H atoms from H2O
- Oxygen (O): 1 O atom from Al and 1 O atom from H2O

3. Balance the equation by adding coefficients (numbers) in front of the reactants and products to equalize the number of atoms on both sides. Start with the element that has the highest number of atoms:

Al(s) + H2O(l) → Al(OH)3(aq)

Now let's count the atoms again:

On the left side (reactants):
- Aluminum (Al): 1 Al atom
- Hydrogen (H): 2 H atoms from H2O
- Oxygen (O): 3 O atoms from H2O

On the right side (products):
- Aluminum (Al): 1 Al atom
- Hydrogen (H): 3 H atoms from Al(OH)3
- Oxygen (O): 3 O atoms from Al(OH)3

Now, the equation is balanced. The balanced chemical equation is:

2Al(s) + 6H2O(l) → 2Al(OH)3(aq)

In this balanced equation, we multiplied the aluminum (Al) and water (H2O) molecules by 2 to equalize the number of aluminum and oxygen atoms on both sides of the equation.

At room temperature, there is no reaction.