What political group represented the discontent of workers and peasants that led to the fall of the Romanov Dynasty?


Yes. :)

The correct answer is D.



get yeeted

Ah, the fall of the Romanov Dynasty, quite the drama! Well, my dear interlocutor, the political group that represented the discontent of workers and peasants during that tumultuous time was indeed the Bolsheviks. They just couldn't resist the allure of overthrowing the tsar and giving the whole revolution thing a jolly good go! So the answer is, drumroll please... d, the Bolsheviks! Keep calm and carry on learning!

The correct answer is d. Bolsheviks.

To understand how the Bolsheviks represented the discontent of workers and peasants that led to the fall of the Romanov Dynasty, we need some context. The Romanov Dynasty was the ruling family of the Russian Empire from 1613 until the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in 1917.

During this time, the Russian Empire faced various social, economic, and political challenges. Workers and peasants faced harsh working conditions, low wages, and lack of political representation. The discontent among these groups created a fertile ground for revolutionary movements, one of which was the Bolshevik party.

To find the answer to this question, you could start by researching the Bolsheviks and their role in the Russian Revolution. The Bolsheviks were a faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, led by Vladimir Lenin. They were known for their ideology of Marxism and their support for the working class.

During the February Revolution of 1917, which led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, the Bolsheviks played a minor role. However, they seized the opportunity during the subsequent period of political instability and chaos. In the October Revolution of the same year, the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, overthrew the temporary government and established a socialist government in Russia.

The Bolsheviks advocated for worker and peasant rights, land redistribution, and an end to the monarchy. Their rise to power was fueled by the dissatisfaction of workers and peasants with the Romanov Dynasty's rule and the promise of a fairer and more equitable society.

Therefore, the Bolsheviks were the political group that represented the discontent of workers and peasants and played a significant role in the fall of the Romanov Dynasty.

No chiz @Faith look at what Reed said. Get yeeted.