Substance abuse during pregnancy

Emotional and behavior disorders
Write a two-page double-spaced paper describing the risk factors involved and the possible outcomes for the child who is exposed to this particular type of risk. How might this risk factor impact the child's ability to learn and his/her behavior in an early education setting? How might the risk factors impact his/her family and parenting challenges?
I am having a hard time finding websites to help with this paper

Emotional and behavior disorders -- did you see the news this week about the California couple who kept their 13 children captive and tortured?

yes I did see that in news this week

When it comes to researching topics like substance abuse during pregnancy and its potential effects on the child, as well as emotional and behavioral disorders, it can sometimes be challenging to find reliable online sources. However, by following a few steps and using trusted resources, you can gather information and write an excellent paper.

1. Start with academic databases: Utilize databases such as JSTOR, PubMed, or Google Scholar to find scholarly articles and studies. These databases are reliable sources that contain peer-reviewed research, ensuring the credibility of the information you find.

2. Use reputable organizations and institutions: Look for websites of reputable organizations, universities, and government entities that focus on health and child development. Examples include the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and reputable university websites that offer research centers or departments in psychology, child development, or related fields.

3. Search for literature reviews or meta-analyses: These forms of research papers summarize and analyze existing studies on a particular topic. They provide a comprehensive overview of the risk factors and outcomes associated with substance abuse during pregnancy, emotional and behavioral disorders, and their effects on children's learning abilities and behaviors. Use search terms like "substance abuse during pregnancy literature review" or "emotional and behavioral disorders meta-analysis" to find such resources.

4. Access scholarly journals in related fields: Look for psychology, child development, or education journals that publish articles on the impact of substance abuse during pregnancy and emotional/behavioral disorders on children's learning and behavior. Examples include The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, and Journal of Early Childhood Education. You may have access to these journals through your school's library or may need to pay a fee to access specific articles.

5. Incorporate credible statistics and studies: Throughout your paper, integrate relevant statistics and findings from reputable studies to support your arguments. Ensure that you cite these sources properly using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) to maintain academic integrity.

Remember, while internet resources can provide valuable information, it's crucial to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of the sources you find. Stick to reputable sources to ensure the accuracy of the information you include in your paper.

Now that you have the tools to find reliable sources, you can begin writing your paper by discussing the risk factors involved in substance abuse during pregnancy and emotional/behavioral disorders. Then, explore the possible outcomes for the child exposed to these risks. Explain how these risk factors might impact the child's ability to learn and behave in an early education setting, considering both short-term and long-term effects. Finally, discuss the potential impact of these risk factors on the child's family and the challenges they may face in parenting.

Good luck with your research!