Which of the following events from the cay best indicates that Phillip will be rescued?

A. Phillip realizes the signal fire must produce darker smoke*****
B. Phillip accepts that he cannot live alone forever on the cay
C. Phillip begins to rebuild the encampment after the hurricane
D. Phillip decides to fish for scallops and langosta in the fishing hole

Its gotta be A, but do you agree?

yes I agree with you

I agree

Does anyone know what are all the answers?

for the Lesson 8: The Cay, Chapters 17–19 test

look at my name

you are no help

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can help you analyze the options and determine the best answer based on reasoning.

In order to determine which event from "The Cay" best indicates that Phillip will be rescued, we need to consider the context and significance of each event. Let's break down each option:

A. Phillip realizes the signal fire must produce darker smoke.
This event suggests that Phillip has come to understand the importance of making the signal fire more visible. It implies that he recognizes that darker smoke will attract the attention of potential rescuers, making it a significant indicator that he is taking proactive measures to increase his chances of being found.

B. Phillip accepts that he cannot live alone forever on the cay.
While this event demonstrates a shift in Phillip's mindset, acknowledging the need for human companionship and the desire to be rescued, it does not directly indicate that he will be rescued.

C. Phillip begins to rebuild the encampment after the hurricane.
Although rebuilding the encampment shows Phillip's determination and resourcefulness, it does not necessarily imply that he will be rescued.

D. Phillip decides to fish for scallops and langosta in the fishing hole.
While this event highlights Phillip's ability to adapt and provide for himself on the cay, it does not directly suggest that he will be rescued.

Based on the given options, it is reasonable to conclude that option A, where Phillip realizes the signal fire must produce darker smoke, is the best choice. This event showcases Phillip's initiative to improve the signal fire, making it a stronger indicator that he will be spotted and rescued.

So, yes, I agree with your choice of option A.

idk im here myself wanting to know the same thing xD

I think its C. i checked on Brainly too

what's the answer