The cost of producing a number of items x is given by: C = mx + b

In which b is the fixed cost and m is the variable cost (the cost of producing one more item).
(a) If the fixed cost is $40 and the variable cost is $10, write the cost equation.and then graph

A) C=10x+40
to graph this it would be (0,40)
to graph it would be (0,50)

the next part
The revenue generated from the sale of x items is given by R = 50x. Graph the
revenue equation on the same set of axes as the cost equation.


I am not sure if i did this part right
I do not know what to graph any help would be appreciated

How many items must be produced for the revenue to equal the cost (the
break-even point)? I can not get to solve this part yet until i figure the other out

On the revenue function, graph y= 50 x
that is the equation.

for breakeven, do what you did in the revenue section. Set R= C and solve for x.

A consultant traveled 7 hours to attend a meeting. The return trip took only 6 hours because the speed was 10 miles per hour faster. What was the consultant's speed each way?

Let's assign variables to the unknowns in this problem. Let's call the speed of the consultant on the initial trip "x" and the speed on the return trip "x + 10".

To find the speed of the consultant on each trip, we can use the formula: speed = distance / time.

On the initial trip, the consultant traveled for 7 hours, so the distance is 7x.

On the return trip, the consultant traveled for 6 hours, so the distance is 6(x + 10).

Since the distance going and returning is the same, we can set up an equation:

7x = 6(x + 10)

Let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

7x = 6x + 60

Subtract 6x from both sides:

x = 60

Therefore, the speed of the consultant on the initial trip was 60 miles per hour, and the speed on the return trip was 60 + 10 = 70 miles per hour.