Jan's pay is in direction variation to t he hours she works. Jan earns $54 for 12 hours of work. How much will she earn for 18 hours work?

12/54 = 18/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

She is grossly underpaid.

Federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.

It is $14 in Ontario, which is about $11.25 US

To find the amount Jan will earn for 18 hours of work, we can use the concept of direct variation.

Direct variation is a mathematical relationship between two variables, where one variable is a constant multiple of the other. In this case, Jan's pay is in direct variation to the hours she works.

To determine the relationship between hours and pay, we can divide Jan's total earnings by the number of hours worked. This will give us the rate at which Jan earns money per hour.

Let's calculate the rate of pay per hour for Jan:
Rate of pay per hour = Total earnings / Number of hours worked
Rate of pay per hour = $54 / 12 hours
Rate of pay per hour = $4.50 per hour

Now, we can find how much Jan will earn for 18 hours of work by multiplying the rate of pay per hour by the number of hours worked:
Earnings for 18 hours = Rate of pay per hour * Number of hours worked
Earnings for 18 hours = $4.50 per hour * 18 hours
Earnings for 18 hours = $81

Therefore, Jan will earn $81 for working 18 hours.