a dog kennel charges $40 to board a dog for one night and $35 per night each night after that. Henry paid a total of 215 for dog boarding. for how many nights did henry board his dog?

To find out how many nights Henry boarded his dog, we can create an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume that Henry boarded his dog for "x" nights after the first night, where x is a positive whole number.

The cost for the first night is $40, and he paid $35 per night for the remaining (x) nights.

The equation becomes:
40 + 35x = 215

To solve for x, we need to isolate the variable:
35x = 215 - 40
35x = 175

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 35 to solve for x:
x = 175 / 35
x = 5

Therefore, Henry boarded his dog for 5 nights after the first night.

(215 - 40) / 35 = _______ nights