Lindsey read 2/5 of a book on Monday. She read 12 pages on Tuesday. If she still had 1/2 of the book to read, how many pages were therein the book?

2/5 x + 12 = 1/2 x

Now just solve for x.

Step 1:

Let's determine the total number of pages Lindsey read on Monday and Tuesday.

Given, Lindsey read 2/5 of the book on Monday and 12 pages on Tuesday.

We can calculate the total number of pages read by adding the two amounts:

2/5 * Total Number of Pages + 12 = Total Number of Pages

Step 2:

We know that she still had 1/2 of the book left to read.

So, we can set up an equation to solve for the Total Number of Pages:

1/2 * Total Number of Pages = 2/5 * Total Number of Pages + 12

Step 3:

Let's simplify the equation:

1/2 * Total Number of Pages - 2/5 * Total Number of Pages = 12

Multiplying through by 10 to remove the fractions:

5 * 1/2 * Total Number of Pages - 5 * 2/5 * Total Number of Pages = 12 * 10

5/2 * Total Number of Pages - 4/5 * Total Number of Pages = 120

10/5 * Total Number of Pages - 8/5 * Total Number of Pages = 120

2/5 * Total Number of Pages = 120

Step 4:

Let's solve for the Total Number of Pages:

Total Number of Pages = 120 * 5/2

Total Number of Pages = 300

Therefore, there were 300 pages in the book.

To solve this problem, we need to find out the total number of pages in the book. Let's break down the information we have:

1. Lindsey read 2/5 of the book on Monday.
2. She read 12 pages on Tuesday.
3. She still had 1/2 of the book to read.

Let's start by finding the fraction of the book that Lindsey read.

On Monday, she read 2/5 of the book. We know that 2/5 is equal to 12 pages.

To find out how many pages represent 1/5 of the book, we need to divide 12 pages by 2:

12 pages ÷ 2 = 6 pages

So, 1/5 of the book is equal to 6 pages.

Now, since Lindsey read 2/5 of the book, we can multiply 6 pages by 2:

6 pages × 2 = 12 pages

On Monday, Lindsey read 12 pages, which is 2/5 of the book.

We also know that Lindsey read an additional 12 pages on Tuesday.

Therefore, the total number of pages that Lindsey read is:

12 pages + 12 pages = 24 pages

Since Lindsey still had 1/2 of the book to read, this means that the 24 pages she read represents half of the book.

To find the total number of pages in the book, we need to multiply 24 pages by 2:

24 pages × 2 = 48 pages

So, there were 48 pages in the book.

That is not helpful how do I figure out that?