A scale of one to ten is

uh, ... 1-10?

I ment scale drawing of 1:10

So if u send securities their will be less break in and we are now copping with our losses we almost lost over a million dollars

I don't understand what you are asking.

A scale of one to ten is a commonly used numerical system to rate or measure something on a range from one (low) to ten (high). It is often used to express subjective opinions or evaluations, such as the level of satisfaction, the quality of a product, the intensity of pain, or the attractiveness of something.

To use a scale of one to ten, you simply assign a number between one and ten to represent the level or rating you wish to convey. Generally, a higher number on the scale indicates a higher or more favorable evaluation, while a lower number indicates a lower or less favorable evaluation.

For example, if someone asks you to rate a movie on a scale of one to ten, you might assign a rating of eight if you thought it was really good, or a rating of three if you thought it was not very enjoyable.

It's important to note that the interpretation of each number on the scale can vary depending on the context or the specific criteria being assessed. This scale is flexible and can be subjective, so it's helpful to provide additional context or description when using it to ensure clear communication.