Hello! The question I'd like someone to check is,

A teacher brings 3 gallons of juice on a field trip. There are 36 students on the trip.

a. How many fluid ounces of juice does the teacher bring? Show your work.

There is a part b, but I'm only working on a. So what I got so far is
3 gallons.

12 qt
24 pt
48 c
384 fl oz.

So for a. 384 fl oz.

I'm not sure if this is correct. I believe I'm doing it wrong but if someone could check and explain to me how to get to the answer that'd be great! Thank you.

Yes, 384 ounces

Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Pepsi.

To convert from gallons to fluid ounces, you need to know that 1 gallon is equal to 128 fluid ounces.

So, to calculate the number of fluid ounces in 3 gallons of juice, you can use the following conversion:

3 gallons × 128 fluid ounces/gallon = 384 fluid ounces.

Therefore, your calculation of 384 fluid ounces is correct! Good job!

In general, to convert between different units of volume, you need to know the conversion factor between the two units. The conversion factor for gallons to fluid ounces is 128, as mentioned above. You can find conversion factors for different units by referencing a conversion table or using an online unit conversion tool.

If you have any other questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!