I just wanted to post this question once more. I have to go offline soon.

Please go over my answers. Thanks

True or false:
7.Eruptions fom volcanoes decrease global temperatures.

I answered false because volcanes spew out CO2 into the atmophere.

The 16._________-sphere affects the 17._____-sphere when solar energy causes liquid water to become water vapor.
for 16. I said atmosphere
for 17. I said hydrosphere
did I answere 16 correctly? Does the atmosphere really include solar energy?

2. Which statement best explains why the greenhouse effect increases earth's averag temperature?
a.(I know this answer's wrong)
b.Less infrared radiation escapes to outer space.
c.More incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere.
d.Less incoming solar radiation is reflected by the atmosphere.

I guessed c.

Imagine that earth wasn't rotating & covered entirely w/ water rather than the current pattern including land. Assume the sun is directly abovethe equator. What winds and pressure patterns would occur.

I sort of answered this one but I mainly guessed.

Volcanos emit a lot of ash,which shades Earth. This effect is stronger than global warming due to CO2.

I would reverse 16 and 17. The amount of water affects greatly the atmosphere when it turns to vapor.

The CO2 in the upper atmosphere traps IR radiation coming from Earth, so it does not escape.

Well, the warm side would heat up, vaporize water to the atmosphere, which increases total pressure, and then air/water vapor moves to the dark side, the water vapor condenses, and it rains.

I'll go over your answers and provide feedback:

1. For the True or False question about eruptions from volcanoes decreasing global temperatures, you answered false. You correctly mentioned that volcanoes spew out CO2 into the atmosphere. However, eruptions from volcanoes can actually temporarily lower global temperatures because they release large quantities of ash and sulfur dioxide, which can block solar radiation and result in a cooling effect. So, in this case, the correct answer would be true.

2. For the question about the interaction between the "-sphere" affected by solar energy causing water to become water vapor, you answered "atmosphere" for the 16.______-sphere and "hydrosphere" for the 17.______-sphere. Your answer for the 16.______-sphere is correct. The atmosphere is the layer of gases surrounding the Earth, which includes the air we breathe. It is indeed the sphere affected by solar energy. Your answer for the 17.______-sphere, which is hydrosphere, is incorrect. The hydrosphere refers to all the Earth's water bodies, such as oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, etc. The correct answer for the 17.______-sphere is "biosphere," which includes all living organisms on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.

3. For the question about why the greenhouse effect increases Earth's average temperature, you guessed c. More incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere. This answer is correct. The greenhouse effect occurs when certain gases in the atmosphere (such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor) trap infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface, preventing it from escaping into space. This trapped energy leads to an increase in average temperature.

4. For the question about wind and pressure patterns in an imaginary scenario where the Earth is not rotating and covered entirely with water, while the sun is directly above the equator, it may be difficult to determine without more information. However, in this case, you mentioned that you mainly guessed your answer. In reality, the rotation of the Earth and the presence of landmasses play significant roles in shaping wind and pressure patterns. Without these factors, it would be challenging to speculate with certainty.