Choose the meaning that best matches the word italics.

After disturbing the wasp's, the girl began (flailing) her arms in a attempt to swat away the swarming insects

A. Thrashing wildly
B. Beating in time
C. Moving in a pattern
D. Flapping up and down***

What do you think about my answer? Is this correct?

Ok I got this and its A Thrashing Wildly


Thanks Writeacher, who ever you are.

You're welcome!


Based on the context of the sentence, the best meaning that matches the word "flailing" is "Thrashing wildly." This is because the girl is described as "swatting away the swarming insects," which implies that she is moving her arms in a wild and uncontrolled manner. Option A, "Thrashing wildly," accurately describes this action.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the sentence and look for clues to determine the meaning of the word "flailing." In this case, the mention of the girl's attempts to swat away insects helps you understand that her arm movements are frantic and uncontrolled. By considering the context and the definition options, you can choose the most suitable meaning.

Thus, your answer of option A, "Thrashing wildly," is correct.