Help would be highly appreciated! Thank you.

What number is 73% of 215?
A. 215 = 0.73n
B. n = 0.73 x 215**
C. 0.73 = n x 215
D. 215 = 73n

What percent of 94 is 23?
A. n/94 = 23/100
B. 23/94 = n/100**
C. 94/n = 23/100
D. 23/94 = 100/n

85 is 40% of what number?
A. 212.5**
B. 47.1
C. 34
D. 45

Find the commission on a 1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%
A. 62.50**
B. 6.25
C. 75.00
D. 125.00

Ben bought a desk for $249.99. The sales rate tax was 6.25%. How much did Ben pay for the desk? Round your answer to the nearest cent.
A. 15.62
B. 187.49
C. 265.61**
D. 406.23

These are all correct.

Thank you :)

1. Correct.

2. Correct

3. Correct.

4. Correct.

5. Cost = 249.99 + 0.0625*249.99 = 265.61. So all are correct!!

There are also show your work too

Sure! I can help you with these questions.

Question 1: "What number is 73% of 215?"
To find the answer, you need to multiply 73% (or 0.73 in decimal form) by 215. The correct answer is B. n = 0.73 x 215.

Question 2: "What percent of 94 is 23?"
To find the answer, you need to set up a proportion. Let n represent the unknown percent:
n/94 = 23/100
Cross-multiplying, we get:
n = (23/100) x 94
The correct answer is B. 23/94 = n/100.

Question 3: "85 is 40% of what number?"
To find the answer, you need to divide 85 by 40% (or 0.4 in decimal form). The correct answer is A. 212.5.

Question 4: "Find the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%."
To find the answer, you need to multiply the sale amount ($1,250) by the commission rate (5% or 0.05 in decimal form). The correct answer is A. $62.50.

Question 5: "Ben bought a desk for $249.99. The sales tax rate was 6.25%. How much did Ben pay for the desk?"
To find the amount Ben paid for the desk including sales tax, you need to add the sales tax amount to the original price. First, find the sales tax amount by multiplying the original price ($249.99) by the sales tax rate (6.25% or 0.0625 in decimal form). Then, add the sales tax amount to the original price. The correct answer is C. $265.61.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.