Place the following set of numbers in ascending order.-2/9,5/9,1/8,-1/9,3/7? and this is what I got is it right? -2/9, -1/9, 1/8, 3/7, 5/9

Yes! That's right.

Thank You.

Yes, your list of numbers in ascending order is correct: -2/9, -1/9, 1/8, 3/7, 5/9.

To arrange the given set of numbers in ascending order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by comparing the first two numbers, -2/9 and 1/8. Since -2/9 is less than 1/8, -2/9 should come before 1/8 in the sorted list.

Step 2: Next, compare the next number, -1/9, with the numbers that have already been placed in their correct positions. In this case, -1/9 is greater than -2/9 and should be placed after -2/9.

Step 3: Now, compare the next number, 3/7, with the previous numbers. Insert it at the appropriate position in the sorted list.

Step 4: Finally, compare the last number, 5/9, with the previous numbers and place it at the correct position.

After going through the above steps, you should arrive at the final sorted list: -2/9, -1/9, 1/8, 3/7, 5/9.