1. Where did the culture of the cattle rancher and cowboy originate.

A from Texas after the buffalo was over hunted

B from the Comanche

C from the need to move cattle nearer the Mississippi River

D from spain


Those should be the answers to the unit 2 lesson 3 quick check

uwu is right !! 100%

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Cowboy culture originated in Northern Mexico. Spanish only brought the horses and the cattle. Everything else developed in Mexico! Many early cowboys were native slaves and the children of slaves. Many of the laborers from Spain were moors. Being a cowboy was a very low job and primarily white Spaniards more supervised cowboys and the Rancheria’s than actually participated.

To find the answer to where the culture of the cattle rancher and cowboy originated, we can analyze each option one by one.

A. Texas after the buffalo was overhunted: While the overhunting of buffalo did have an impact on the development of cattle ranching, it is not the sole origin of the culture. Additionally, this option does not specifically mention the cowboy culture.

B. The Comanche: The Comanche Native American tribe had an influence on the cowboy culture, but they are not the sole origin. Cowboys learned many skills from the Native Americans, but the culture as a whole also incorporates other elements.

C. The need to move cattle nearer the Mississippi River: This does not accurately capture the origin of the cattle rancher and cowboy culture. While cattle drives did occur, the culture goes beyond the need to move cattle along specific routes.

D. Spain: The correct answer is D. The culture of the cattle rancher and cowboy originated from Spain. The Spanish introduced cattle and horsemanship to the Americas during their colonization efforts. The techniques and traditions of Spanish ranching were then blended with the practices of Native Americans and later influenced by other cultures as well.

In conclusion, the culture of the cattle rancher and cowboy originated from Spain.

The origins of the cowboy tradition come from Spain, beginning with the hacienda system of medieval Spain. This style of cattle ranching spread throughout much of the Iberian peninsula and later, was imported to the Americas.

Kit-Kat -- what is the source of your information? If you don't include the source with your quotation, you are guilty of plagiarism.

Giving the answers is not helping anyone learn. You had to read your assignment. Others must do the same. You can be banned for giving out answers. And, no one should trust other students to have the correct answer.

Reed and Ms. Sue, all true! Giving answers does not help, but telling how you got to them helps. As for Anonymous, what do you think? Try elimination. That should work.