Should the U.S. have annexed Hawaii?

She wants to know what I think but I need some help with it. I think yes but I'm not sure what else to put

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with some background information on the topic.

In 1898, the United States annexed Hawaii through the Newlands Resolution, which made it an official U.S. territory. The decision to annex Hawaii was a controversial one, and opinions on whether it was the right move or not vary.

Advocates of annexation argued that it benefited the United States strategically, economically, and culturally. Hawaii's location in the Pacific made it an important strategic base for the U.S. military. Annexation also provided access to Hawaiian resources, particularly sugar and pineapple, which played a significant role in the American economy.

Opponents of annexation argue that it was an unjust act of imperialism, as the annexation process was fueled by U.S. business interests and disregarded the sovereignty of the indigenous Hawaiian people. Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown in 1893, and her government was replaced with a provisional government that sought annexation.

Determining whether the U.S. should have annexed Hawaii is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and values. Some may view it as an opportune move for American interests, while others see it as a violation of Hawaii's self-determination and sovereignty.

If you're interested in exploring this topic further, I recommend studying the historical context, reading accounts from different perspectives, and considering the political, economic, and cultural implications of annexation.

What does your text say about how and why it happened? Do you agree? Why? If you need more information, here are several accounts:

Does your teacher want to know what some anonymous person on line thinks? Or does your teacher want to know what you think?