Place the following set of numbers in ascending order.-2/9,5/9,1/8,-1/9,3/7?

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First, group the negative numbers: -2/9 and -1/9. Which is smaller?

Then the positive numbers: 5/9, 1/8, 3/7. Can you see the smallest and the largest ones in this group? If you're having trouble, find the common denominators and then sort them.

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Put in ascending order

5 2\9, 175, -234,0.64

To place the set of numbers in ascending order, we need to arrange them from the smallest to the largest value. In this case, we have the following set of numbers:

-2/9, 5/9, 1/8, -1/9, 3/7.

To compare fractions, we can find a common denominator for all the fractions and then compare their numerators. Here's how you can do that:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for all the fractions. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 7 * 8 * 9 = 504. So, we will convert all the fractions to have a denominator of 504.

-2/9 becomes -2 * 56/9 * 56 = -112/504.
5/9 becomes 5 * 56/9 * 56 = 280/504.
1/8 becomes 1 * 63/8 * 63 = 63/504.
-1/9 remains the same as -1/9.
3/7 becomes 3 * 72/7 * 72 = 216/504.

Step 2: Now that all the fractions have a common denominator, we can compare their numerators.

Arranging the fractions in ascending order based on their numerators:
-112/504, -1/9, 63/504, 216/504, 280/504.

Step 3: Simplify the fractions if possible.
-112/504 = -14/63 (dividing both numerator and denominator by 4).
-1/9 remains the same.
63/504 = 9/72 (dividing both numerator and denominator by 7).
216/504 = 9/21 (dividing both numerator and denominator by 24).
280/504 = 10/18 (dividing both numerator and denominator by 28).

So, the numbers arranged in ascending order are:
-14/63, -1/9, 9/72, 9/21, 10/18.

Please note that these fractions can be further simplified, but as the question asks for arranging them in ascending order, it is not necessary to simplify them further.