2g – 1 = 3g + 6  how do i do this equation?

2g – 1 = 3g + 6

Subtract 6 from both sides.

2g - 7 = 3g

Subtract 2g from both sides

-7 = g


To solve the equation 2g - 1 = 3g + 6, we need to isolate the variable g on one side of the equation. Here's how:

Step 1: Start by combining like terms on each side of the equation. On the left side, 2g and 3g are like terms, so we can combine them: 2g - 3g = g. On the right side, -1 and 6 are unlike terms, so we leave them as they are.

The equation becomes: g - 1 = 6

Step 2: Now, we want to isolate the g term. Add 1 to both sides of the equation to get rid of the -1 on the left side:

g - 1 + 1 = 6 + 1
g = 7

Step 3: Finally, we check our solution by substituting g = 7 back into the original equation:

2g - 1 = 3g + 6
2(7) - 1 = 3(7) + 6
14 - 1 = 21 + 6
13 = 27

Since 13 is not equal to 27, our solution g = 7 is incorrect. Therefore, there is no solution to the equation 2g - 1 = 3g + 6.