about (a subject) au sujet de
absolutely absolutment
actually effectivement, en réalité, en fait
according to d’après, selon
after après
after all,
deep down au fond
after having
(+verb) après avoir/être + past participle
all the same,
just the same,
nevertheless quand meme, malgré tout
also aussi, également
apart from outre
apparently apparement
approximately approximativement
as ainsi que
as a conclusion en conclusion
as a matter of
fact, in fact en fait
as a matter of fact,
indeed en effet
as a result of par suite de
as soon as dès que
at last, finally enfin
at least au moins
at that moment à ce moment-là

basically au fond
because parce que
because of (this) à cause de (cela),
par suite de
besides, moreover en outré, du reste, d’ailleurs, de plus
but mais
by consequence par conséquent

close près, de près
close to prés de
consequently conséquemment,
par consequent
considerably considérablement
contrary (adv.) contrairement
contrary to, unlike à la difference de

despite everything malgré tout

finally enfin
first d’abord
first of all tout d’abord
following à la suite de
for example,
for instance par exemple
for ever à jamais
for his/her part pour sa part
for this reason pour cette raison
from now on dorénavant, désormais
from then on dès lors
furthermore en plus

however pourtant
however, still,
nonetheless cependant, toutefois

in addition to en plus de
in any case en tout cas,
de toute façon
in concluding en conclusion
in contrast to en contraste à
in fact en fait
in my opinion à mon avis
in other words autrement dit,
en d’autres termes
in response en réponse
in return, on the
other hand en revanche
in short en bref
in spite of en dépit de, malgré
in spite of
after all malgré tout
in spite of that malgré cela
in the future à l’avenir
in the past autrefois
it’s about il s’agit de
it’s why c’est pourquoi

like that de la sorte

more davantage
more and more de plus en plus
moreover d’ailleurs

naturally, of
course bien entendu
nevertheless toutefois
however pourtant
meanwhile cependant
nonetheless néamoins
next après, ensuite
no doubt that nul doute que
not at all pas du tout
not typical of,
unlike pas caractéristique de
now, currently actuellement

often souvent
on account of/
because of à cause de
on average en moyenne
on no account en aucun cas
on one side d’une part
on the contrary au contraire
on the one hand d’un côté
on the other hand en revanche, par contre, de l’autre côté, par ailleurs
on the other hand, however par contre
on the other side de l’autre part

similarly semblablement
so alors
so, finally enfin
so, therefore donc
so to speak pour ainsi dire
so what? et alors?

thanks to grace à
that is c’est à dire
that’s all voilà tout
then alors
then and there séance tnante
then, next ensuite, puis
then, therefore donc
therefore par conséquent, donc
thus ainsi
thus far jusqu’ici
thus, therefore donc
till then jusque-là
to begin with pour commencer
to such an extent
that à tel point que

what a pity! quell dommage!
what else? quoi d’autre?, quoi encore?
what for? pourquoi?, donc?
what if? si?
what now? alors?
what of it?,
so what? qu’importe?
what then? et après?
while, during durant
without a doubt sans doute

Sorry, I literally give up trying to post this on Jiskha. I did it in WORD and it lined up so badly when I posted it. Then I redid it trying to make it fit on Jiskha; it would not. I'll try one more time to post it here but it will line up badly! The only way to do this then (if it doesn't work and is not readable) will be to have your e-mail.

Sra (aka Mme)



about (a subject) au sujet de
absolutely absolutment
actually effectivement, en réalité, en fait
according to d’après, selon
after après
after all, deep down au fond
after having (+verb) après avoir/être + past participle
all the same, just the same, nevertheless quand meme, malgré tout
also aussi, également
apart from outre
apparently apparement
approximately approximativement
as ainsi que
as a conclusion en conclusion
as a matter of fact, in fact en fait
as a matter of fact, indeed en effet
as a result of par suite de
as soon as dès que
at last, finally enfin
at least au moins
at that moment à ce moment-là

basically au fond
because parce que
because of (this) à cause de (cela), par suite de
besides, moreover en outré, du reste, d’ailleurs, de plus
but mais
by consequence par consequent

close près, de près
close to prés de
consequently conséquemment, par consequent

considerably considérablement
contrary (adv.) contrairement
contrary to, unlike à la difference de

despite everything malgré tout

finally enfin
first d’abord
first of all tout d’abord
following à la suite de
for example, for instance par exemple
for ever à jamais
for his/her part pour sa part
for this reason pour cette raison
from now on dorénavant, désormais
from then on dès lors
furthermore en plus

however pourtant
however, still, nonetheless cependant, toutefois

in addition to en plus de
in any case en tout cas, de toute façon
in concluding en conclusion
in contrast to en contraste à
in fact en fait
in my opinion à mon avis
in other words autrement dit, en d’autres termes
in response en réponse
in return, on the other hand en revanche
in short en bref
in spite of en dépit de, malgré
in spite of everything, after all malgré tout
in spite of that malgré cela
in the future à l’avenir
in the past autrefois
it’s about il s’agit de
it’s why c’est pourquoi

like that de la sorte

more davantage
more and more de plus en plus
moreover d’ailleurs

naturally, of course bien entendu
nevertheless toutefois
nevertheless, however pourtant
nevertheless, meanwhile cependant
nevertheless, nonetheless néamoins
next après, ensuite
no doubt that nul doute que
not at all pas du tout
not typical of, unlike pas caractéristique de
now, currently actuellement

often souvent
on account of/because of à cause de
on average en moyenne
on no account en aucun cas
on one side d’une part
on the contrary au contraire
on the one hand d’un côté
on the other hand en revanche, par contre, de l’autre côté, par ailleurs
on the other hand, however par contre
on the other side de l’autre part

similarly semblablement
so alors
so, finally enfin
so, therefore donc
so to speak pour ainsi dire
so what? et alors?

thanks to grace à
that is c’est à dire
that’s all voilà tout
then alors
then and there séance tnante
then, next ensuite, puis
then, therefore donc
therefore par conséquent, donc
thus ainsi
thus far jusqu’ici
thus, therefore donc
till then jusque-là
to begin with pour commencer
to such an extent that à tel point que

what a pity! quell dommage!
what else? quoi d’autre?, quoi encore?
what for? pourquoi?, donc?
what if? si?
what now? alors?
what of it?, so what? qu’importe?
what then? et après?
while, during durant
without a doubt sans doute

French transition words are used to connect ideas and sentences together in a coherent and organized manner. These words help to indicate relationships between different parts of the text, such as cause and effect, contrast, addition, etc. Knowing and using these words can greatly enhance the clarity and flow of your writing or speaking in French.

To find and learn French transition words, you can utilize various resources. Here are a few steps you can take:

1. Use online dictionaries or language learning websites: These platforms often provide lists of common French transition words along with their English translations. Some websites even offer examples of how these words are used in sentences.

2. Consult French grammar books or study guides: Grammar books specifically aimed at learners of French usually include sections on transition words and their usage. These books may offer explanations and exercises to help you practice using these words correctly.

3. Take advantage of language learning apps: Many language learning apps, such as Duolingo or Babbel, have lessons or modules dedicated to teaching transition words in French. These apps often incorporate audio and visual components to enhance your learning experience.

4. Join online language learning communities or forums: Online communities and forums specifically for French learners can be a valuable resource for finding and discussing French transition words. Fellow learners and native speakers can offer their insights and suggestions, helping you to improve your knowledge and usage of these words.

5. Practice using transition words in your writing and speaking: Once you have familiarized yourself with a variety of French transition words, it is important to practice using them in your own writing and speaking. Write essays or paragraphs and focus on incorporating these words into your sentences. Additionally, engage in conversations or discussions where you intentionally use these words to express your ideas more effectively.

Remember, learning and using French transition words requires consistent practice and exposure to the language. By actively seeking out resources and practicing in real-life scenarios, you can improve your understanding and usage of these words over time.