Mr lee is 56 years old. His nephew, sam, is 4 years old. In how maby years’ time will mr lee be 5 times as old as his nephew

What is this????

L = 56

S = 4

L + x = 5 (S + x)

56 + x = 5 (4 + x) = 20 + 5 x
4 x = 36
x = 9


L= Mr Lee

S= Sam

Very confusing

To find out how many years it will take for Mr. Lee to be 5 times as old as his nephew, we can set up an equation.

Let's assume the number of years it will take is denoted by "x".

Mr. Lee's age after x years: 56 + x
Sam's age after x years: 4 + x

According to the problem, Mr. Lee will be 5 times as old as his nephew:

56 + x = 5 * (4 + x)

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of x.

First, distribute the 5 to both terms inside the parentheses:

56 + x = 20 + 5x

Next, subtract x from both sides of the equation:

56 = 20 + 4x

Now, subtract 20 from both sides of the equation:

36 = 4x

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for x:

x = 36 / 4
x = 9

Therefore, it will take 9 years for Mr. Lee to be 5 times as old as his nephew.

in x years:

Mr. Lee --- 56+x
Sam ---- 4 + x

56+x = 5(4+x)

solve for x