We are doing a project that claims that children are "invisible" to society. What could be done to make them visible?

One of the most amazing things I noticed was when I first visited my daughter and her family after they had moved from California to Indiana. In the Southern California desert where I lived then (and where they lived before moving), there are very few places or organized activities or much of anything outside of schools and some churches that put any emphasis on families and children. In that part of the state (and in other parts of that state, as well) the emphasis is on things for adults to do -- golf, tennis, art shows, theater (not child-centered), etc. Things began to improve slightly when skate parks were built in two towns and a children's museum was established, but not much else.

In Indiana (and in other states where my daughter's family has lived since then), the whole atmosphere is quite different. Churches and civic agencies have many places and functions and activities that are designed specifically to promote family life and interactions.

~~Indianapolis has a multi-story, absolutely fantastic children's museum. http://www.childrensmuseum.org/
~~Zionsville holds an all-day Independence Day festival, ending with 30 minutes of fireworks! http://www2.indystar.com/autofocus/galleries/show/2783/7
~~Albuquerque is another area where there is an abundance of family-oriented places and activities: http://gocitykids.parentsconnect.com/region/albuquerque-nm-usa

There are many others, of course, and we are now learning about many child-friendly and family-oriented organizations and agencies and churches/temples in southeast Texas.

All these places and activities reflect an attitude of the particular community toward the positive development of children and families to that state's or area's future. There's a trite saying out there: "Children are our future." Yes, it's hackneyed, but it's also very true, and if communities and all the organizations and agencies in them don't focus on building the strength of families and the development of children in the ideals they prize, then there will probably be fewer adults in the future who will be ready to be our country's leaders -- at whatever level.

Other tutors may have additional thoughts for you.

Hah! Clearly Albuquerque is not in Indiana! I should have noted that it's in New Mexico!!

thanks you

Naomi, I have a different point of view about California, probably based on where I lived there. I thought Writeacher was "right on " with the exception that in many places in CA there are gobs of child oriented activities. I know San Jose had scouts, soccer, swim, baseball, etc. teams all over the place. And way back then, kids used to "play" together, ride bikes (trikes) etc. And people took them to concerts, museums, whatever. LOL... like it or not, my boys got "cultured".

GuruBlue is right. In California or any other state, no doubt, it depends on the particular area where one lives. In California, I'd rather raise children in any of the small towns, such as Visalia or Sonora or others, rather than in a large area where the focus is on making money from retired people's interests!!

Looking around the world, it seems that even people are "disposable." There is so much violence, in homes, in schools, in the cinema, in the media which reports it. Especially in other countries children are disenfranchised; far too many live on the streets. Small wonder many children feel helpless and that life is hopeless!

Everyone needs to feel safe, have a voice, accept responsability and have accountability. Schools are endeavoring to have a "safe plan" even to the extent of having metal detectors.

When I lived in the Town of Mount Royal, on the outskirts of Montréal, Canada, there was a very active Civic Center for children. Aside from all the facilities provided, there was instruction and even movies there because of many children being trampled during a fire in a movie theater years before. Even being "foreigners" and having just moved there, neighbors made sure we knew these facilities existed. My parents were very happy, being that there were 4 children in our family.


To make children more visible in society, it is essential to raise awareness and implement various strategies. Here are a few steps that can be taken:

1. Research and data collection: Collecting data and conducting research specifically focused on children's issues can help make their challenges and needs more visible. This can involve studies, surveys, and gathering comprehensive data on topics like child poverty, education, healthcare, and child rights violations.

2. Advocacy and awareness campaigns: Run advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about issues affecting children and the importance of acknowledging and addressing them. Educate the public, policymakers, and influential individuals through various communication channels such as social media, public events, educational programs, and mass media.

3. Strengthen child protection laws and policies: Advocate for the development and enhancement of laws and policies that prioritize the rights and well-being of children. This includes policies related to child protection, education, healthcare, child labor, and child participation.

4. Encourage child participation: Create platforms and opportunities for children to express their opinions and participate in decision-making processes at various levels. By involving children in discussions, decisions, and actions that affect them, their voices are heard and they become more visible in society.

5. Engage with communities and stakeholders: Collaborate with communities, local organizations, schools, parents, and other stakeholders to create child-friendly environments. This can include setting up support programs, recreational activities, safe spaces, and mentoring initiatives that prioritize children's needs.

6. Support and empower parents and caregivers: Provide parents and caregivers with the necessary support and resources to ensure the well-being of their children. This can involve parenting education, access to healthcare and social services, and financial assistance.

7. Promote inclusive education: Advocate for quality education that is accessible to all children, irrespective of their background or abilities. This includes addressing barriers such as poverty, gender inequality, disability, and discrimination.

8. Ensure accountability: Hold governments and institutions accountable for fulfilling their obligations towards children's rights. This can involve monitoring progress, reporting violations, and advocating for transparency and accountability in child-related programs and services.

By implementing these steps, we can work towards making children more visible in society and creating a world that recognizes and addresses their needs.