how did the Enlightenment influence the American and French Revolutions?

a.Enlightenment philosophers published pamphlets in favor of monarchs’ divine right to rule, angering people into revolution.

b.Ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments.

c.Notions of full social equality caused the slave populations to rise up and overthrow their masters in favor of a democratic system.

d. Enlightenment emphasis on Protestant Christianity caused people to rebel against Catholic authority.


Is it D?

it's b. remember they both had terrible leaders

The correct answer is b. Ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments.

The Enlightenment was a time period in the 18th century characterized by a focus on reason, science, and human rights. Enlightenment philosophers had a significant impact on shaping the ideologies behind the American and French Revolutions.

During the American Revolution, Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke influenced the Founding Fathers with their ideas about natural rights. These philosophers argued that all individuals possess certain fundamental rights, such as life, liberty, and property, which cannot be taken away by any government. This idea challenged the divine right of monarchs, as it established the idea that legitimate government power comes from the consent of the governed rather than from a divine authority. It provided the intellectual foundation for the American colonists to question British rule and fight for their independence.

Similarly, during the French Revolution, the ideas of thinkers like Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire were embraced by the revolutionaries. The principle of equality, championed by Enlightenment philosophers, laid the groundwork for the overthrow of the French monarchy. The revolutionary slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" reflected the influence of the Enlightenment ideas of natural rights and the need for a representative government accountable to the people.

Overall, the Enlightenment played a significant role in influencing both the American and French Revolutions by introducing new political and philosophical ideas that challenged the traditional authority and laid the groundwork for the establishment of modern democratic governments.