Which qualifications for service in the Senate demonstrate the Senate's increased political power? Select all that apply (2 points)

B:Age requirements***
C:Length of term***
D:Legal education
E:Political background

Is this correct? I'm am torn between C and E.

Thank you, for your help! I googled and I need not see any of these. Have a good day...:)

To determine which qualifications for service in the Senate demonstrate the Senate's increased political power, we need to consider the nature of these qualifications.

A: Salary: Although senators do receive a salary for their service, it does not necessarily indicate an increase in political power. Therefore, this is not a qualification that demonstrates increased political power.

B: Age requirements: This qualification does demonstrate the Senate's increased political power. The Constitution specifies that a senator must be at least 30 years old, which implies that this position requires a certain level of experience and maturity.

C: Length of term: This qualification also demonstrates the Senate's increased political power. Senators serve a six-year term, which allows them to have a more long-term impact on legislation and policymaking compared to members of other legislative bodies with shorter terms.

D: Legal education: While legal education may contribute to one's competence as a senator, it is not necessarily a qualification that demonstrates increased political power. Many successful senators come from various professional backgrounds.

E: Political background: This qualification can be relevant but is not exclusive to the Senate. Having a political background or experience in politics could indicate an individual's qualifications for serving in any legislative position, not just the Senate. Therefore, it does not heavily demonstrate the Senate's increased political power.

Based on the above explanations, the correct options that demonstrate increased political power in the Senate are:

- B: Age requirements
- C: Length of term

So, the answer is B and C.
