Create an image that visualizes different cultural functions. Include elements such as a Middle-Eastern woman dancing traditional dance, a Hispanic man playing classical guitar, a Caucasian man painting in Renaissance style, and a South Asian woman preparing traditional cuisine. There should also be intrinsic cultural artifacts such as traditional clothing, musical instruments, art tools, and food ingredients. Make sure the image contains no text.

Match the image with the appropriate descriptive statement about cultural function.

Alsoanswers for the Connexus lesson, Art 6B Unit 3: The World of Art:

It doesnt show me what i got right, but i can tell what the answers are by reading the words right under the picture. such as one says "greek" So i can tell its the answer that says a greek artifact etc.

If your doing the next lesson, here are the answers,


I did this because you guys did not help me with anything.

connexus?? Art 6b Unit 3: The World of Art?

Unit 3 Lesson 1 in Art 6B:

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. E
5. A

Unit 3 Lesson 2 in Art 6B:
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C

These are 100% right, trust me. I just took them both.

you have to be in connexus to know the picture he is talking about

anonymous your wrong i got a 40

just go to the grade book to see what you got right. click on the subject and the lesson. then click on the score(example: 2/6, 5/7 etc.)to see what is right and wrong

For the meaning and culture lesson 2 unit 2 6b the answers are 1.c


Yeah i got 5/5

Yo tengo is 100% right