If the two parabolas y^2=4x and y2=(x -k) have a common normal other than the x-axis then k can be equal to

To find the value of k such that the parabolas y^2 = 4x and y^2 = (x - k) have a common normal other than the x-axis, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the problem.
We have two parabolas given: y^2 = 4x and y^2 = (x - k). The common normal is a line that is perpendicular to both parabolas and touches them at the same point.

Step 2: Find the slope of the normals to the parabolas.
Since we are looking for a common normal, we need to find the slopes of the normals to both parabolas.

For the parabola y^2 = 4x, we can write it as y = ±√(4x), which means the slope of the normal will be the negative reciprocal of the derivative of √(4x) with respect to x. Differentiating, we get:
dy/dx = 2/√(4x).

The slope of the normal to this parabola is then -√(4x)/2, which simplifies to -√x.

For the parabola y^2 = (x - k), we can write it as y = ±√(x - k). Differentiating, we get:
dy/dx = 1 / (2√(x - k)).

The slope of the normal to this parabola is then -√(x - k) / (2√x - 2√k).

Step 3: Equate the slopes and solve for k.
Since the slopes of the normals to the parabolas should be equal (for a common normal), we can set the two expressions we found for the slopes equal to each other:

-√x = -√(x - k) / (2√x - 2√k).

To simplify this equation, we can square both sides to eliminate the square roots:

x = (x - k) / (4x - 4√(xk) + 4k).

Next, cross-multiply and simplify the equation:

4x^2 - 4kx = (x - k) * (4x - 4√(xk) + 4k).
4x^2 - 4kx = 4x^2 - 4√(xk)x + 4kx - 4k^2.

Canceling out like-terms:
-4kx = -4√(xk)x - 4k^2.

Since we are looking for the value of k, we can remove the x term by dividing both sides by -4x:
k = √(xk) + k^2 / x.

Simplifying further:
√(xk) + k^2 / x - k = 0.

Multiply through by x to eliminate the fraction:
x√(xk) + k^2 - kx = 0.

Rearranging the terms:
x√(xk) - kx + k^2 = 0.

Now, this equation is in terms of both x and k. To find a specific value of k, we need to substitute a value for x and solve for k.

Since we don't have any additional information or constraints, it's not possible to determine a specific value of k without more context. However, the equation x√(xk) - kx + k^2 = 0 defines the relationship between x and k for a common normal to the two parabolas.


I'll work with a vertical axis, just because it makes me more comfortable with the derivatives.

For y = x^2/4 (x^2 = 4y), at x=a, the slope is x/2, so the normal has slope -2/a

For y = x^2+k, at x=b, the slope is 2b, so the normal has slope -1/(2b)

So, the equations of our normal lines are

y = -2/a (x-a) + a^2/4
y = -1/(2b) (x-b) + b^2+k

y = -2/a x + 2 + a^2/4
y = -1/(2b) x + b^2 + k + 1/2

We want those two lines to be the same, so working in the 1st quadrant (so a and b are both positive), that means that

1/b = 2/a
a = 4b

1/2 + b^2 + k = 2 + a^2/4
3b^2 = k - 3/2

So, pick any value for k > -3/2 and you can find the equation of the normal line common to both parabolas.

Eh? How can two parabolas with a common vertex and a common axis of symmetry have two distinct normals?

This should get you started...


y² = 4 x

4 x = y²

Divide both sides by 4

x = y² / 4

Use the vertex form:

x = a ( y - k )² + h

to determine the values of a, h and k.

a = 1 / 4 , k = 0 , h = 0

Since the value of a is positive, the parabola opens right.

Axis of symmetry: x = 0

Since parabolas have a common normal, axis of symmetry of prarabola y² = ( x - k ) also must be x = 0.


x - k = 0

0 - k = 0

Add k to both sides

0 - k + k = 0 + k

0 = k

k = 0

Equation of parabola:

y² = ( x - k )

y² = ( x - 0 )

y² = x

If you want in wolframalpha.c o m type:

plot y^2=4x , y^2=x

and clix option =

you will see graph.