You use a scale of 1inch = 280 feet to build a model of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The width of the base of the pyramid is 756 feet. What is the width of your model?

a. 27 in.
b. 3.4 in.
c. 3 in.
d. 2.7 in.

Lesson 4: Scale Drawings Math 6B Unit 1: Ratios Proportions and Percent's

1. B. 1cm=3ft
2. C. 1in=1.5ft
3. D. 2.7in
4. A. 840miles
5. C.4cm
You're welcome!

Width = 756ft/(280ft/in) = 2.7 1n.

Read my name! :D

To find the width of the model of the Great Pyramid of Giza, we can multiply the width of the base of the actual pyramid by the scale factor.

Given that the scale is 1 inch = 280 feet, we can set up the proportion:

1 inch / 280 feet = x inches / 756 feet

To solve for x (the width of the model in inches), we cross-multiply and divide:

1 inch * 756 feet = 280 feet * x inches
756 inches = 280x

Divide both sides of the equation by 280:

756 inches / 280 = 280x / 280
2.7 inches = x

Therefore, the width of the model is 2.7 inches.

The correct answer is d. 2.7 in.