The effectiveness of Roman rule can easily be seen in the fact that the fall of Rome led to

1) political chaos and economic collapse in western Europe
2) the rapid rise of a new European empire

Which do you think it is?

I think it is 1. But i'm not sure if choice 2 refers to the Byzantine Empire, which in that case, I think it would be 2.

The key word in 2) is rapid. Ever hear of the dark ages?

I heard of them but i'm not exactly sure about them.

The Dark Ages in Europe followed the end of the Roman Empire.

To understand the effectiveness of Roman rule and its impact on the fall of Rome, we need to analyze historical events and their consequences.

The fall of Rome did lead to significant changes in western Europe, including both political chaos and economic collapse. Let's discuss each point in more detail:

1) Political Chaos: After the fall of Rome in 476 AD, western Europe experienced a period of political instability and fragmentation. The political power vacuum left behind by the collapsing Roman Empire allowed various Germanic tribes, such as the Visigoths, Vandals, and Ostrogoths, to establish their own kingdoms. These tribal kingdoms were often in conflict with each other, leading to a lack of centralized governance and political chaos.

2) Economic Collapse: The Roman Empire had a complex and advanced economic system, which played a crucial role in its success. As the empire declined and eventually fell, so did its economic infrastructure. Trade routes and networks that had been established under Roman rule began to deteriorate, leading to a decline in commerce and economic activity. Furthermore, the loss of the highly organized and centralized Roman government led to the breakdown of public services, including infrastructure maintenance, which further impeded economic growth.

Regarding the second part of your statement, the fall of Rome did not directly result in the rapid rise of a new European empire. Instead, it marked the beginning of what is commonly referred to as the Dark Ages or Early Middle Ages, a period characterized by decline and cultural stagnation rather than rapid growth and empire-building.

In conclusion, Roman rule was initially effective in providing stability, infrastructure, and economic prosperity. However, its decline and eventual fall led to political chaos and economic collapse in western Europe, setting the stage for significant changes in the region's political and economic landscape.