A set of building blocks includes squares of various shapes and colors. If 20% of the blockers were square and 50% of the squares block are red, then ___ of the blocks are red squares.

My answer is 40% (20% x 50% / 100% = 40%). Is this correct?

No. Consider you have 100 blocks.

20 are square.
10 of the square are red.
That is ten percent of the blocks are red squares.

check my thinking.

wow... thank you... i feel dumb now...

Yes, your answer is correct! To determine the percentage of red squares within the set of building blocks, you need to multiply the percentage of squares (20%) by the percentage of red squares among the squares (50%), and then divide by 100%.

Step-by-step calculation:
20% x 50% = 10% (percentage of red squares among all the blocks)
10% / 100% = 0.1 (converted to decimal form)
0.1 x 100% = 10% or 10/100 (converted back to percentage form)
So, 10% of the blocks are red squares.

Your calculation (20% x 50% / 100% = 40%) is incorrect because you divided by 100% instead of converting it to a decimal form. The correct result is 10%, not 40%.