A number x is atleast 15

x >= 15

alt+242 gives "≥"

Thanks, Scott.

To determine if a number x is at least 15, we compare x to 15 using the greater than or equal to sign (≥).

Mathematically, we can express the statement as:
x ≥ 15

To find out if a given number satisfies this inequality, you need to know the value of x. Comparing the value of x to 15 will help you determine whether x is greater than or equal to 15.

For instance, if x = 20, then we have:
20 ≥ 15

This equation is true because 20 is indeed greater than or equal to 15.

However, if x = 10, then we have:
10 ≥ 15

This equation is false because 10 is not greater than or equal to 15.

To determine if a number x is at least 15, you simply need to evaluate whether x is greater than or equal to 15 in the given context.