I have to do assignment to compare revolutionary war setting, characters and events then and now. how to do this? plz help.

Try to make a chart to organize the setting, characters, and then and now.

What is meant by "setting"? North America, Boston, New York, the battlefield? The political "setting" between the Crown and the colonies?

The characters in the Revolution are all quite deceased now. I don't know how you chart where they are now unless you map their graves.

This assignment doesn't make sense as you state it.

how i am going to compare Paul Revere character now?

To compare the revolutionary war setting, characters, and events then and now for your assignment, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the Revolutionary War: Start by gathering information about the historical setting, characters, and events of the Revolutionary War. Use reputable sources, such as textbooks, reliable websites, or scholarly articles, to understand the context and background thoroughly.

2. Analyze the Setting Then: Begin by examining the setting of the Revolutionary War. Consider factors such as geographical location, social structure, political climate, and technological advancements during that time. Take notes on how these elements influenced the war.

3. Research the Present: To compare the then and now, research the modern-day setting, particularly focusing on how it differs from the Revolutionary War period. Look into the current geographic, social, political, and technological aspects relevant to the comparison.

4. Analyze the Setting Now: Evaluate the present-day setting and note the differences compared to the Revolutionary War era. Pay attention to how changes in technology, social structures, political systems, and geographical circumstances affect conflicts and wars today.

5. Examine Characters Then: Study the prominent characters involved in the Revolutionary War, such as political leaders, military figures, and civilians. Analyze their motivations, ideologies, and roles during the conflict.

6. Compare Characters Now: Find modern-day equivalents or comparable figures to those from the Revolutionary War. Assess how the motivations and roles of present-day characters align or differ from their historical counterparts. Consider politicians, military leaders, activists, or ordinary people who play key roles in current events.

7. Compare Events Then and Now: Compare the major events of the Revolutionary War with significant contemporary events. Look for parallels, themes, or patterns in conflicts, revolutions, or political changes. Consider how the outcomes and impacts of these events differ or align with those of the Revolutionary War.

8. Organize Your Findings: Create a clear and structured outline or chart to organize your research findings. Group together the similarities and differences you identified between the Revolutionary War and the present setting, characters, and events.

9. Draw Conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about the similarities and differences you identified. Consider the impact of historical context on the present and evaluate how societal changes have influenced conflicts.

10. Write Your Assignment: Use your research, analysis, and conclusions to write your assignment, incorporating relevant examples and evidence to support your comparisons. Structure your paper to include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings.

Remember to cite your sources appropriately throughout your assignment using the preferred citation style specified by your instructor.