A man fishing in Lake Erie near Erie, Pennsylvania, speared that state's record carp while bow fishing. The fish was 49 inches long and weighed 54 pounds, 4 ounces.

to the nearest thousandth of a pound, how many pounds per inch is that?


How many pounds is 49 inches

To calculate the number of pounds per inch, you need to divide the weight of the carp (in pounds) by its length (in inches). In this case, the weight of the carp is given as 54 pounds, 4 ounces, which can be converted to pounds by dividing the number of ounces by 16 and adding it to the number of pounds.

First, convert the 4 ounces to pounds:
4 ounces ÷ 16 = 0.25 pounds

Now, add the converted ounces to the 54 pounds:
54 pounds + 0.25 pounds = 54.25 pounds

Next, divide the weight of the carp by its length:
54.25 pounds ÷ 49 inches = 1.107 pounds per inch (rounded to the nearest thousandth of a pound)

Therefore, the carp weighs approximately 1.107 pounds per inch.